$1,000 Donation to Izaac Colunga

The non-profit 7v7 Play for Izaac tournament was successful. We are grateful for all the coaches and players that attended. We are also proud to announce that FC Riverside County will be donating $1,000 to Izaac Colunga’s medical fund. “FC Riverside County feels compelled to work and help our community in times of need. I hope to provide some relief and emotional support to the Colunga family. Izaac has earned it,” commented Adrian Aros, President of FC Riverside County.

Izaac Colunga is a praised upcoming professional boxer from the greater Riverside area. Izaac was tragically struck by a bullet from an unrelated incident that occurred near a family party he was attending. Izaac was left paralyzed and in critical condition. FC Riverside County organized an non-profit tournament to raise money for Izaac Colunga’s medical fund.